Summer 2022

Our Pack had a great summer in 2022.

We started off with our Campout at June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation in Ashford. We stayed overnight with our families, played some fun games, launched water bottle rockets, had some campfires, and went for an excellent camp tour.

And yes, those really are our scouts washing dishes after breakfast.

July saw our Scouts head back to JNW for Cub Scout Day Camp. Our Scouts got to make new friends, go swimming, shoot BB guns, learn archery, go fishing, play Gaga ball, climb, do skits, learn about nature, and much more!

One of our Scouts, Matt was honored with the Mark Greer Award as the Cub Scout of the Week, for his perseverance and Scout Spirit.

We also went out to the ballgame, with a trip to Dodd Stadium to see the Norwich Sea Unicorns take on the Brockton Rox. Our Scouts got to go for a pre-game parade on the field, then stay around after the game for fireworks!

In August, we took a trip with Killingly Pack 43 to the Danielson Fire Station.

We had a great summer, and we’re going to have an awesome fall.