Category: Newsletters

Scout Show 2022

A group of our Cub Scouts were among the over 1,000 scouts to attend the Connecticut Rivers Scout show at the Haddam Neck Fairgrounds on October 22nd, 2022. We got […]

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Summer 2022

Our Pack had a great summer in 2022. We started off with our Campout at June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation in Ashford. We stayed overnight with our families, played some […]

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Weekly Email 10-9

Good Evening everyone!! I just wanted to send out another reminder in case you didn’t hear me at the meeting tonight about popcorn fundraiser. All Take home Order sheets are […]

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Weekly Email 10-2

Good evening Pack 111! I hope everyone had fun at the pack meeting last week. Due to the continued work being done on St. Johns Sunday School, our next Den […]

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Weekly Email 9-24-2018

Good Evening Everyone! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did on the Fall campout this past weekend! It was great to see everyone. Here are the events […]

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Weekly Email 9-17-2018

Good Evening Scout Families!! Here is the copy of tonight’s Weekly Update Email, it has all the details for the campout this weekend This weekend is our Fall Campout at […]

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Weekly Email 9-4-18

Good Evening Pack 111 Sorry I am a day late with the weekly update email, I have been very busy, as all of you that work or worked in retail […]

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Weekly Email 8-27-2018

Good Evening Everyone, School starts this week and so do our regular Thursday Meetings!! I can’t wait to see you all again. Below is a rundown of upcoming events: Thursday […]

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